What Are the Best Practices for Enhancing Indoor Environmental Quality in UK’s Schools?

March 31, 2024

To offer our children the best learning conditions, we need to ensure the spaces they spend their time in are conducive to their health, comfort, and well-being. Enhancing the indoor environmental quality (IEQ) in schools is one of the ways we can strengthen their learning experience. It’s not just about cleaning and maintaining the buildings, but about fostering an environment that supports their physical and cognitive development. This article will delve into the best practices for enhancing indoor environmental quality in schools across the UK.

Implementing a Good Ventilation System

As a school community, you must appreciate the importance of good ventilation in the learning space. Studies show that poor air quality can impact children’s health and performance. A well-implemented ventilation system helps mitigate this by regulating airflows, reducing pollutants, and controlling humidity levels.

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Ventilation systems can be natural, mechanical, or hybrid. Natural ventilation relies on strategically placed openings, windows, and vents to direct airflow. Mechanical systems use fans and ducts to distribute air, while hybrid systems combine both methods.

Regardless of the system, regular maintenance is key. This includes cleaning air ducts, replacing filters, and inspecting the system for any issues. It’s also important to ensure that the system is effectively reducing carbon dioxide levels, as high concentrations can lead to conditions like sick building syndrome.

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Adopting Sustainable Building Materials

Another practice that contributes to improving IEQ in schools is the use of sustainable and non-toxic building materials. The materials used in school construction and furniture have a significant impact on the indoor environment and the health of students and staff.

The first step in this process is to identify and avoid materials that release harmful volatile organic compounds (VOCs). These include paints, adhesives, and furnishings made with formaldehyde-based resins. Schools can choose alternatives such as low-VOC or VOC-free paints, and furniture made from solid wood or metal.

The use of green building materials such as recycled metals, bamboo, and straw bales is also beneficial. They are not only eco-friendly but also contribute to a healthier indoor environment by mitigating mould growth and regulating humidity.

Investing in Indoor Plants

The inclusion of indoor plants in a school setting isn’t just aesthetically pleasing. These green friends can contribute greatly to improving indoor air quality. Plants absorb harmful gases and release oxygen, creating a healthier and cleaner environment for students and staff.

Common indoor plants like spider plants, peace lilies, and snake plants are known for their air-purifying qualities. They can absorb pollutants such as benzene, formaldehyde, and carbon monoxide.

Caring for the plants is an important part of this process. Schools should delegate someone to regularly water and prune the plants. This not only helps the plants thrive but also prevents the accumulation of dust and mould which can degrade air quality.

Ensuring Adequate Lighting

Proper lighting is another vital aspect of enhancing IEQ in schools. Studies show that the quality and quantity of light in a classroom can impact students’ mood, behaviour, and academic performance.

Both natural and artificial light play a role in creating a conducive learning environment. Natural light, in particular, has been associated with improved student performance and well-being. Schools should maximize the use of daylight by ensuring classrooms have adequate windows and using light-reflective wall colours.

For artificial lighting, it’s recommended to use LED lights with a colour temperature of around 5000 Kelvin. This mimics natural daylight and is more comfortable for the eye, reducing eye strain and fatigue.

Regular Cleaning and Maintenance

Regular cleaning and maintenance are crucial for maintaining a healthy indoor environment. Dirty or dusty surfaces can harbour allergens and harmful microbes, contributing to poor air quality.

Schools should establish a consistent cleaning schedule that includes daily sweeping and mopping of floors, and regular dusting of surfaces. They should also ensure that restrooms are cleaned regularly and thoroughly to prevent the spread of germs.

It’s also important to use green cleaning products whenever possible. Traditional cleaning products often contain harmful chemicals that can contribute to poor indoor air quality. Green cleaning products are made with natural ingredients that are less harmful to the environment and human health.

These best practices can greatly improve the indoor environmental quality of UK schools, creating a healthier and more conducive learning environment. Implementing them requires commitment and collaboration from everyone in the school community, from administrators to cleaners, teachers, and even students.

The Role of Indoor Temperature Regulation

The regulation of indoor temperature is a critical element of a conducive learning environment. In fact, studies show that a comfortable temperature can significantly enhance children’s cognitive abilities. Therefore, schools should not overlook the necessity of implementing efficient heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) systems.

An HVAC system’s primary role is to maintain a consistent indoor temperature, regardless of the external weather conditions. In the summer months, the system should provide adequate cooling, while in the winter it should ensure a warm indoor environment. This consistent temperature regulation can enhance comfort and productivity, reducing the risk of illness and fatigue.

Furthermore, advanced HVAC systems can also improve indoor air quality by filtering out pollutants and allergens, providing a double benefit. An efficient HVAC system can also aid in reducing energy consumption and costs.

Schools should invest in the regular maintenance of HVAC systems, ensuring they operate optimally. This includes regular cleaning, timely filter replacements, and professional checks for potential faults. Additionally, it’s worth noting that an overly dry environment can lead to respiratory discomfort, hence the importance of maintaining appropriate humidity levels, something that can also be regulated by sophisticated HVAC systems.

Making Use of Natural Elements

Incorporating natural elements in school buildings is another effective way to enhance indoor environmental quality. This can include maximizing natural light, using natural building materials, and integrating indoor plants.

Natural light is not only beneficial for reducing energy consumption, but it can also boost mood and productivity. Schools should therefore ensure that building and classroom design make the most of daylight, using large windows, light-friendly colours, and reflective surfaces.

Similarly, natural building materials, such as wood and stone, can contribute to a healthier indoor environment. These materials are typically non-toxic and can regulate humidity better than synthetic alternatives. Moreover, they are more eco-friendly and contribute to a more relaxed and appealing aesthetic.

Indoor plants can also significantly improve air quality by absorbing toxins and releasing oxygen. They also offer a calming effect and enhance the overall aesthetic of the school environment.


Enhancing the indoor environmental quality in UK’s schools is a multi-faceted endeavour that requires a comprehensive approach. It requires not only the adoption of efficient systems and green materials, but also a commitment to regular maintenance and the integration of natural elements.

Implementing a good ventilation system, adopting sustainable building materials, investing in indoor plants, ensuring adequate lighting, and regular cleaning are all critical steps in this process. Additionally, regulating indoor temperature and making use of natural elements can further boost the indoor environmental quality.

By integrating these best practices, schools can provide a healthier, more comfortable, and conducive learning environment. This will not only enhance students’ well-being and performance but also foster a more sustainable approach to school management. Ultimately, the goal is to create an environment that supports our children’s health and aids their cognitive development, helping them to reach their full potential.